Monday, October 3, 2022

Personal Portfolio Development - Project 2, Week 1

 As I said in the last post, for this project, I'm going to be continuing the theme I had with the previous one by making another room in Spongebob's house.  This time, I'll be doing the bedroom, and I've spent the last week working on laying the groundwork for those models.  I managed to get rough work in progress versions of all the models that I'm going to need for the scene to give a sense of scope for the project.  I'll also need to make some new wall textures, but that shouldn't be too much of an issue.  Of course, these models still need quite a bit of refining before they're finished - because of the hurricane, I didn't get as much time to work on these as I would have liked, but I do feel like I've got them in a good place for now.  The game resolution models should be completed by new week.  I don't really have any further comments, so let's move on to see what I've got.

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Personal Portfolio Development - Project 3, "Week" 4

 Okay, so, it really hasn't been a week.  My Ventures project didn't need any more props or environment assets from me, so I wound u...