Monday, July 18, 2022

3D Art III, Project 3 - Week 1 Milestones (Proxy model, WIP High Res Model)

As I established in the previous post, for my final project in 3D Art III, I'm going to be recreating the flying saucer from the Destroy All Humans! game series.  I elaborated a bit more in the planning post, I'm going to be making a recreation of classic design of the saucer from the first two games, I'm not going to be aiming for the extremely high resolution of the remake version, and I'm not sure I'm going to be making the cockpit as well.  Anyway, things went pretty well this week, and I was able to finish the proxy model and make significant process on the High Res model.  Next week, I'm going to be finishing it (and making my final decision on whether or not I'm detailing the cockpit interior), but for now, let's see what I got done.

Week 1 - Proxy model, start high resolution model - Deadline Met!

Week 2 - Finish high resolution model - Next Deadline!

Week 3 - Game res model, UVs, initial bake

Week 4 - Finalized materials and textures displayed in-engine

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