Monday, June 13, 2022

3D Art III, Project 2 - Ideas for next project

 For our second project, I'm going to be going ahead with this semester's required research component - bringing in a new program, making use of it, and writing up the process of how I used it.  Specifically, I'm going to be using WorldMachine in order to create terrain.  My goal for this project is to create a scene where some kind of structure is meaningfully integrated into fitting terrain.  I'm approaching this from the angle that I'm making a little self-contained diorama of an environment (still do need to get my candidate for my 3D print, after all).  Here are the three ideas that I've been considering for that project, with accompanying inspiration images (and possible references for the final thing) included.

Idea #1 - Castle on a mountain:

Idea #2 - Half-buried Desert Ruins

Idea #3 - Skull-shaped Mountain:

Tentative Schedule:

Week 1 - Proxy model, start high resolution model

Week 2 - Finish high resolution model

Week 3 - Game res model, UVs, initial bake

Week 4 - Finalized materials and textures displayed in-engine

Update 6/14:

After some consideration, I've decided to go with idea category 1, the castle on a mountain.  I'm now working out the fundamentals of WorldMachine, and figuring out whether I'm going to make an original creation based on my references, or just try to directly recreate one of them.

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