Sunday, June 12, 2022

3D Art III, Project 1 - Week 4 Milestones (Final Textured Model In-Engine, with Animated Textures)

This time around, we were expected to have our pieces finalized, with a completed, textured mesh ready to go in-engine.  I was able to accomplish that without much trouble.  Like I said, I've been experimenting with materials in Unreal in the background in order to get the right look for my holograms, and, after much tweaking, I think I've got them down.  This project actually included a few animated materials - namely, the holographic ring around the globe, the moving scan lines on the globe, and the rotating radar arms on the computer screens.  With the head start I was able to get from my earlier experiments over the course of the project, I was able to get these all functioning perfectly and looking good.  Even if doing stuff like that wasn't necessarily required, all this interesting material stuff was necessary to getting the right look for the globe, and so I did it.  I've included a video so you can see all those materials in-action.  In any case, let's see what the final product looked like:

Week 1 - Proxy model, start high resolution model - Deadline met!

Week 2 - Finish high resolution model - Deadline met!

Week 3 - Game res model, UVs, initial bake - Deadline met!

Week 4 - Finalized materials and textures displayed in-engine - Deadline met!

Next up - ideas for the next project (including research component with Worldmachine)

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