Sunday, July 3, 2022

3D Art III, Project 2 - Week 3 Milestones (Game Res Model, Initial Normal Bake)

This week, the goal was to get a game resolution mesh of the diorama and do an initial bake of the normals in substance, and I achieved just that.  I'm fairly satisfied with the results - ultimately, I needed to make the mountain and the castle two separate materials, in order to make sure both parts of the diorama had sufficient UV space.  The most arduous part was manually creating the UVs - the sheer complexity of the model made it so that automatic UVs simply weren't an option, so I had to go in there and  manually, thoughtfully lay out all those seams.  In any case, I'm fairly satisfied with the results - I managed to get the polycount for the game res down to a fairly reasonable level, and the model ultimately preserves the shapes of the scene pretty well.  The bake, I feel slightly less good about - the bake came out kind of muddy looking, and none of the various fixes I tried wound up making it look better.  I think I might need some assistance, refining the bake on that one.  Still though, feel pretty good about it.  Going forward, my next tasks, after trying to refine those normals, are to texture this model - which includes making at least two tiling textures in ZBrush (one for stone walls, one for roofing tiles).  For the final light and display, I'll also be placing some rocks and bushes around the bases of the towers in order to break up the lines and make things look more natural.  In any case, let's see how I did this week:

Week 1 - Proxy model, start high resolution model - Deadline Met!

Week 2 - Finish high resolution model, including World Machine component - Deadline Met!

Week 3 - Game res model, UVs, initial bake - Deadline met!

Week 4 - Finalized materials and textures displayed in-engine - Next Deadline

Edit - I will be using the following download for my technique to create tiling wall/roof textures:

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