Saturday, June 25, 2022

3D Art III, Project 2 - Week 2 Milestones (High Res Model)

 This week, the main goal I was going for was to get my mountain out of World Machine, which would complete the high resolution model I displayed last week.  I was unable to completely replicate the proxy mountains I created originally - the proportions I originally aimed for would  have really only been possible with drastic modifications to the size of the overall arrangement.  However, I felt like I got something that continued the spirit of the original proxy, while still looking good and not changing the size of the project too much.  So, let's see how we're looking with the mountains in the mix, now.

Week 1 - Proxy model, start high resolution model - Deadline Met!

Week 2 - Finish high resolution model, including World Machine component - Deadline Met!

Week 3 - Game res model, UVs, initial bake - Next Deadline.

Week 4 - Finalized materials and textures displayed in-engine

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