Sunday, June 5, 2022

3D Art III, Project 1 - Week 3 Milestones (Finalized Game-Res, Initial Normal Bake)

 At the review last week, I recieved some criticism about my high resolution model - there were some parts that needed to be rounded out a bit better, the monitors needed to be flatter, and some places were just too creased.  Before I went ahead with the game resolution model, I went back and repaired those issues.  With the high resolution model brought up to par, I went ahead and used the modified geometry there to build the new game resolution mesh. For the most part, it was a cleaned up version of the mesh I put through the smooth mesh conversion to create the high res model, with a few concentrations of high detail wiped out and preserved with the normal bake later.  With all that said, let's see how I did:

Week 1 - Proxy model, start high resolution model - Deadline met!

Week 2 - Finish high resolution model - Deadline met!

Week 3 - Game res model, UVs, initial bake - Deadline met!

Week 4 - Finalized materials and textures displayed in-engine - Next Deadline!

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