Thursday, September 9, 2021

Common Art Homework #2 - Use of Silhouettes

 For homework #2, I decided to create a few thumbnail re-designs of the Jersey Devil.  Being a folkloric creature, the Jersey Devil is completely public domain.  I briefly considered doing Mothman or the Flatwoods Monster, but I felt like the Jersey Devil's explicitly supernatural nature let me do more fun things with it's anatomy.  My biggest inspiration was an old illustration of the Jersey Devil, posted below - a remarkably uncanny little thing that looks equally dangerous, pitiful, and wretched.  That was design ethos I took into account when I created the rest of the drawings, and it outlined some of the features that the designs would share - goat horns, horse-like head, hoofed legs, bat wings, "demon" tail.  I also drew some inspiration from things like medieval bestiary drawings, and Hieronymus Bosch paintings when I made some of the bizarre, unnatural designs of the creature.

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