Tuesday, March 1, 2022

3D Art 2 - Planning/Committment for Module 3 (Creature Model)

 For our next project in 3D art 2, we've been tasked with creating a creature model, or working with someone else to create props/environments for their creature models.  While I'm primarily specializing in environmental and prop art (under the "hard surface" umbrella), I still want to dip me feet in with character modeling, so I'm making a creature.  Specifically, I want to make a Yithian, from the (public domain) short story "The Shadow out of Time."  Here's a collection of references I collected on the creature to help guide me.

I was advised to pick one particular version of the creature to focus on recreating.  In that spirit, I have chosen this particular version of the creature to re-create.  This is the interpretation of the creature from the Pathfinder roleplaying game, and there are several other images of the same design I could look at.

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Personal Portfolio Development - Project 3, "Week" 4

 Okay, so, it really hasn't been a week.  My Ventures project didn't need any more props or environment assets from me, so I wound u...